
I´ve been in Samana Wasi for a couple of days now. My impressions are mixed. I love the place. The kids are great and the place is absolutely wonderful. However, it seems that if there is ONE place in Peru that does NOT need any help, it is this one. The kids have a wonderful live. They are able to play in a wonderful domain, have meditation and karate lessons, get two warm meals a day, have each other as friends, etc... There are like five or six gardeners constantly pruning the flowers and mowing the glass, there´s nannies and a cook... I don´t feel needed, so I am not staying because I still have an urge to help (although I guess teaching English is useful). I stay for now because I feel good here, but we´ll see what happens next. There is still time to go to Bolivia if I want to, although that would entail a lot of bussing.
The food is pretty good, but there isn´t enough of it and I usually leave the table hungry.

By the way, a poem I came across, by Dorothy Parker, that encaptures very well the traveller´s sentiment, at times:

Why is it, when I am in Rome,
I'd give an eye to be at home,
But when on native earth I be,
My soul is sick for Italy?

And why with you, my love, my lord,
Am I spectacularly bored,
Yet do you up and leave me- then
I scream to have you back again?

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