
Friday we decided we had to check out the nightlife in Urubamba, so we headed toward the town at about 21h. We, that is to say me, Heather, and Martha - the Italian girl who is also working here - found a bar on the central square, which initially was full of gringos, but after a few hours was all for the locals (except us, of course). After three rather heavy cocktails (1 to 2 euros each) I was ready for action, and when they played Jailhouse Rock, me and Martha hit the dance floor, mingling among some 15 Peruanos and Peruanas. The exciting mix of western classics and latino music did not allow us to stop, and we saw Heather - who apparently hasn´t danced in 14 years - leaning further and further on the table, till - as we hoped - she was fast asleep. A couple of hours later she made it clear that she´d like to go, so we walked the 20 minutes home under a wonderfully starry sky. I sat down on the dirtroad for a few minutes to admire it, the rim of the mountains just below it, and saw six shooting stars in that time. I wasn´t entirely sobre - to say the least - so that made the spectacle even more special. No matter what the AA, Marcel or whoever says, alcohol is a good friend of mine. When consumed in moderation, of course ;-)

Yesterday, Saturday, we left early for Cusco, hung out there, had some good food, shopped, and at night, after a tired Heather had left for our guest house, I had a nice long talk with Martha in some restaurant in the so called Gringo Alley. Amazing how much effort people are making to get you to eat in their restaurant. My way to get rid of them is saying that we only eat elephant meat (somos elefantarianos).

Today we left from Cusco to Pisac, where there is a famous and big market, generously visited by tourists. I bought gifts for a few loved ones, as well as for myself. There is no way I´m gonna be able to fit all of this into my backpack. Veremos.

Tomorrow is our last day in Samana Wasi.

Stay beautiful

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