
This entry may scare some people, and may raise a few eyebrows, but I can assure my dear readers that everything is fine and that I feel wonderful, and I still have trouble believing what I experienced. I have finally found one of the things I came here to find.

On November 27, 2005, in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, I participated in a ritual of the religion of Santo Daime - see www.santodaime.org. This is a synchretistic religion, incorporating elements from mainly christianity and sjamanism. The most important element of the ritual is the ceremonial usage of the Ayahuasca drink, or holy tea, a brew from the plant Banisteriopsis Caapi - see e.g http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayahuasca or www.ayahuasca.com. Some people might call it a drug, but Ayahuasca is supposed to be a holy plant, and is actually used to cure people from addictions and other bad things.

I was accompanied by my friend Adriano, from Ribeirao, who is used to do the ceremony once or twice a month, since several years. I had never taken any mind-enhancing substances, and I must say I that next to being very excited, I was also a bit apprehensive. The plant was supposed to have stronger effects than LSD. However, it was the alleged healing and spiritual properties of the plant that attracted me. Ayahuasca is also called the Teacher Plant and is said to be able to give you insights and wisdom, and access to higher realms. Having heard this, and having read that users experience astral travel, telepathic powers, visions etc., my expectations were very high, so high in fact that I felt I could only be disappointed.

I was wrong. The Ayahuasca session exceeded my expectations a hundredfold. It was a life-changing experience, and I feel that I can safely say that there was a life before, and after Ayahuasca. My whole life I have been feeling that there is more than what we see, that there is a purpose to all This. I was, however, never sure if this was wishful thinking, or based on fact, and my rational mind was asking for a sign, some proof. The Ayahuasca experience has given me exactly what I asked and what I needed. I am convinced that the plant is something extraordinary. Its use, however, I know is not to be taken lightly. I consider its usage a means to get a glimpse of whatever is possible, a stimulation to get there by other means, such as meditation.

I will not write here how the session went and what I saw - that does not belong here. I am writing a more extensive report, for my own reference and for whoever is interested.

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